mastering the fourfold practice
The Fourfold Practice is a holographic pattern, fundamental to understanding the territory of hosting.
The four points on the map help you see where you are putting your attention, and what is being neglected. They make clear how a balance of being and doing is vital to becoming a good practitioner.
We move beyond being technicians when we start to become aware of the power of our own presence. Presence can move a group from surface interaction to deeper purpose. It enables a group to truly face the challenges and ride the waves of turbulence into co-creation.
The Fourfold Practice is a holon, meaning each part of the map incorporates and moves beyond the point that comes before it. When all parts of this map are in balance, you bring both greater presence and greater effectiveness to your work and life; your inner world and your outer expression are in generative relationship.
Your practice is as solid as the ground you stand on.

March 8th, 2022
7:30 - 10am in Mumbai, India (IST)
9 - 11:30am in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (ICT)
10am - 12:30pm in Shanghai, China (CST)
11am - 1:30pm in Tokyo, Japan (JST)
12 - 2:30 pm in Brisbane, Queensland (AEST)
(consult a time zone converter for local time in your area)